1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: The February 7, 2019, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:00 pm.


Becky Fancher, President – Present

Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Present

Mike Russell, Member – Present 

3. PLEDGE/PRAYER: Council President Becky Fancher led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer by Jimmy Roberts.

4. MINUTES: Becky asked if there were any additions or corrections to the January 3, 2019 Minutes; there being none, minutes were approved as written.

5. OLD ITEMS: a. Title VI/ADA Compliance – Each Council Member was given a copy our Title VI/ADA Compliance packet to review and hopefully pass at the March meeting. b. Income Survey Update – Mike Kleinpeter has received 78 responses so far; a second mailing went out last week.

6. NEW ITEMS: a. Kristi Vaughn – North Salem Farmers Market – Kristi is in charge of the Farmers Market that was started up last year here in North Salem. She said they have the opportunity to advertise in the Explorer published by the Hendricks County Parks and Recreation. They would also be included in card stock flyers that are distributed to many cities and towns in Hendricks County. The cost is $100. Becky made the motion to sponsor this endeavor; Mike seconded; motion passed unanimously. Kristi will get the invoice and information to Beth for payment. b. Eric Wathen – RQAW Engineering – Eric was in attendance to discuss a new water filter plant and water tower. He spoke of OCRA grant money and State Revolving Fund low interest loans and the application process. After much discussion, it was decided that there would be a workshop held for further discussion on February 12th in the Town Hall at 6:00 pm and Eric would attend; it was also decided to hold a Special Meeting for the public to attend on February 19th at 6:00 pm in the Town Hall. Beth will advertise this Special Meeting. c. Ordinance 1-2008 – it was decided to table review of this ordinance until next month. February 7, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes – page 2

7. REPORTS: a. Mark – no report b. NSPD – Marshal Berry’s report for January was presented for the record; John also let the Council know that the decal on the back of his truck was coming off and needed to be fixed; also the lights on one side of his light bar strip needed repaired. He has also been having some issues with his computer charging in his truck. c. Council – Mike asked Mark about the water line issues on Kelly Lieske’s property. Mark stated that it will have to be moved probably sometime in the spring. d. Harold Blake – no report e. Clerk-Treasurer – Beth let the Council know that we received a request to donate to North Salem Old Fashion Days; Beth will see what we donated last year and report back in March. Also, Beth stated that the Hendricks County Building and Planning Commission needed official word from us that Sonnie Johnston and Rod Lasley were our Representatives for the Hendricks County Board of Zoning. Jimmy Roberts made the motion to appoint Sonnie and Rod; Becky seconded; motion passed unanimously. Beth will let the County know.

8. PUBLIC: Bill Compton was in attendance on behalf of the North Salem Revitalization Committee. He said that the Committee would like to purchase an electronic led sign to be mounted on the front of the Town Hall so that various announcements could be “scrolling” for informational purposes. After much discussion, it was decided that INDOT should be contacted to see what the regulations were regarding signs on state highways and close to intersections.

9. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:28 pm. The next Council Meeting will be March 7th, at 6:00 pm.

Attest: ___________________________________ Beth Russell Clerk-Treasurer