1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: The March 7, 2019, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:02 pm.


Becky Fancher, President – Present

Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Present

Mike Russell, Member – Absent 

3. PLEDGE/PRAYER: Council President Becky Fancher led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer by Harold Blake.

4. MINUTES: Becky asked if there were any additions or corrections to the February 7, 2019 Minutes; there being none, minutes were approved as written. Becky also asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the Special Meeting held February 19th; there being none, minutes were approved as written.


a. Title VI/ADA Compliance – Each Council Member was given a copy our Title VI/ADA Compliance packet to review. There being no changes, Resolution 2019-2 was presented adopting US DOT TITLE VI ASURANCES AS WELL AS TITLE VI IMPLEMENTATION PLAN. Jimmy made a motion to pass as written, Becky seconded. Beth will submit all and hopefully it will be sufficient for what the State needs.

b. Income Survey Update – No Update

c. Filter Plant/Water Tower Update – Mark did not have any further information however, we do have a project planning meeting Monday, March 11th with the people with the State Revolving Fund and Eric Wathen.

d. Bill Compton, NSRI – Bill was in attendance to discuss the electronic sign that the committee would like to purchase for the Town. Harold reviewed the information that Bill had received from the highway department as to what is allowed and stated that there really wasn’t enough information to form an opinion. He feels more research is needed. Becky also wants to research further regarding whether or not signs such as these can be put on historical buildings, etc. She also suggested that maybe an alternate location could be found. Harold suggested at the park entrance on 236 or maybe even utilizing the bank sign. Bill will do some more research and we will visit subject again in April.

e. Ordinance Review – Chickens within town limits – Harold did some research on Ordinances that other towns in Hendricks County have on their books. After much discussion, Jimmy suggested we table for now and discuss further at future meetings.

f. Old Fashion Days – donation request – Becky stated that she does not feel comfortable committing to a donation at this time. We do have a promotion fund however it does not have a great deal of money in it. After some discussion, it was decided to table the matter for now and revisit in future meetings. March 7, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes – page 2


a. North Salem Rep – Hendricks County Area Plan Commission and Hendricks County Zoning Board. Beth let the Council know that Sonnie Johnston is resigning her positions on both of these Boards effective May 1, 2019. Beth will contact the Planning Commission to ask what the requirements are for a new member as well as the procedure to replace Sonnie.

b. Heavy Trash Pickup – Beth let the Council know that this has been scheduled for April 30th and notice will be included in the water bills this month.


a. Mark – let the Council know that he and Kevin cleaned the filter again this week. Hopefully our samples will pass. Also, the white truck is needing new tires and he will be getting prices soon.

b. NSPD – Marshal Berry’s report for February was presented for the record; John also let the Council know that he is still working on getting the decal on the back of his truck fixed as well as the light strips; he also has a new charger ordered for the computer in the truck.

c. Council – None

d. Harold Blake – let the Council know that he will be having shoulder surgery in April and that he will most likely miss the April meeting.

e. Clerk-Treasurer – Beth let the Council know that she will also not be attending the April meeting but that Tammy will be able to attend as Deputy Clerk Treasurer. Beth also asked the Council permission to transfer $10,000 from the Trash Fund to the Wastewater Fund. Doug Clodfelter had to replace a pump at a cost of over $7,000.00. Becky made a motion to approve this transfer; Jimmy seconded.

8. PUBLIC: None

9. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm. The next Council Meeting will be April 4th, at 6:00 pm. Attest: ___________________________________ Beth Russell Clerk-Treasurer